Coastal Impact Fund develops and partners with organizations to facilitate specific projects that meet our standards for conservation, sustainability, and financial responsibility.
derelict Crab trap removal PROJECT
All types of marine debris, including trash, derelict crab traps, and monofilament fishing line are a persistent problem in the today's waters. Crab traps become derelict when owners may no longer be able to locate their traps if the float becomes separated from the trap, or if the trap itself moves (by storm events or human activities). Once the float and/or trap line have been lost, crab traps are difficult to see from the water’s surface. The best solution is to conduct multiple cleanups each year of an area to prevent the traps from becoming hazardous to the environment.
This project provides many lasting benefits to the ecosystem by...
- Helping to reduce unnecessary by-catch of marine organisms;
- Removing marine debris from the environment;
- Eliminating a safety hazard to boaters;
- Expanding public education on the problems associated with marine debris;
Coastal Impact Fund will recycle the traps collected working with national nonprofit and corporate partners. To date, we have collected, removed and properly disposed of thousands of derelict traps.
Conservation issues vary in size and complexity. Many environmental issues facing us today can be successfully addressed through local, collaborative, and small-scale approaches. Coastal Impact Fund will strategically invest in increasing local and national conservation awareness and expanding public knowledge of and support for conservation through community organizing, education, and advocacy. Coastal Impact Fund will be posting projects it supports.
Some recent examples include:
Trailer and storage site support for local nonprofit on a multitude of clean ups
Capital support for the Passports for Fishing program with the IGFA
Gear support for local nonprofit to expand clean up efforts
Coastal Impact Fund has started a mangrove nursery that will help replace and install shoreline projects through the state Florida.
Why Project Mangrove? Mangrove tree's mesh-like roots play an important role in soil build-up in the ground, and it also help reduce energy from incoming waves and tidal currents. The mangrove ecosystem plays a critical role in buffering our coastal land from the effects of sea-level rise.
Coastal vegetation, known as a "blue carbon" ecosystem, can grow fast and has the ability to accumulate organic carbon. Thus 'blue carbon' vegetation like mangroves are able to store carbon more efficiently, than other ecosystems like rain forests.
Monofilament Fishing Line (MFL) Recovery Project
Every day, improperly discarded MFL causes devastating problems for marine life and the environment. Unfortunately, MFL lost to the natural environment can linger in the environment as the material takes over 600 years to decompose. This MFL can also be very hazardous to marine life, bird life, and scuba divers through entanglement or ingestion. The goals for the MFL Recovery Project are the following:
Work with local and state established programs and non-profit associations to collect MFL and dispose of the material properly.
Install monofilament recycling stations at local marinas, fishing piers, tackle shops, and tournament locations.
Mobilize volunteers and promote MFL clean up events.
Fishing for Energy partnership with NFWF
Coastal Impact Fund has partnered with National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) to reduce the impact of derelict fishing gear (gear that is lost in the marine environment) on Florida marine wildlife and habitats.
Derelict fishing gear has been recognized by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) as a major source of debris impacting the marine environment; damaging ecosystems due to nets and heavy equipment settling upon the ocean floor, as well as ‘ghost fishing,’ when a net continues to catch fish after it is lost. Derelict fishing gear can also impact navigational safety, damage fishing equipment and boats that are in use, and have economic repercussions on fishing enterprises and coastal communities.
The vision of Fishing for Energy is to provide a no-cost solution to fishermen to dispose of old, derelict or unusable fishing gear and to reduce the impact of derelict fishing gear on U.S. marine wildlife and habitats. The partnership works closely with state and local agencies, community groups, the fishing industry and local ports to achieve these goals and has established 44 locations in 10 states since 2008
Coastal Impact Fund on-the-ground effort will include establishing relationships with interested ports throughout the state and coordinating the disposal logistics of derelict fishing gear.
Partner with local and state agencies, commercial fisherman, and ports to properly collect and dispose of gear.